
Boost Your SaaS Bottom Line: The Ultimate Cost of Revenue Breakdown

Understanding the nuances of SaaS financial metrics is crucial for sustainable growth. Let’s shed some light on a critical aspect of this—the Cost of Revenue (also called Cost of Goods Sold)—the complexities of it, the key components, and look at insights that SaaS founders need to know when they are looking to optimize their financial strategy.   Deciphering the Cost of Revenue Puzzle For SaaS companies, understanding the components of the Cost of Revenue is crucial, as it sets the foundation for financial sustainability, company valuations, and cash flow. Even though there is no official GAAP determination of Cost of [...]

Transforming Financial Health: A Case Study in the Clinical Research Industry

In today’s fast-paced world of commerce, cash has always been king. Without a clear understanding of their cash flow, companies risk financial instability and potential failure. In this case study, we're sharing how our engagement with an organization in the clinical research space transformed their financial health. Our client, the organization, operates in the clinical research industry—a sector that demands precision, dedication, and unwavering commitment to advancing medical knowledge. With annual revenue between $5-10 million and a dedicated team of 20 employees, this organization's mission is to promote knowledge and skills among clinical researchers, fostering growth and excellence within the [...]

Case Study: Revolutionizing Financial Operations: An AI SaaS Company’s Journey to Success

In an ever-evolving landscape of technology and healthcare, our client stands as a prime example of how innovative solutions are transforming patient records management and clinical research. The Company, a mid-sized player in the AI SaaS industry, specializes in mining patient records across various healthcare facilities, including hospitals, research centers, and Contract Research Organizations (CROs). What many fail to realize is that these pharmaceutical companies often outsource their research, relying on a vast network of third-party organizations to conduct clinical studies. These CROs, sometimes sponsored by pharmaceutical giants like Novo Nordisk, play a vital role in conducting medical studies. The [...]

Compare Your SaaS Profits: Actual vs. Budgeted – What’s the Difference?

The success of any business relies on the ability to effectively manage its financial resources. In the case of Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, tracking actual profit and loss versus the budget is the foundation of cash forecasting. Let’s take a deeper look at the differences between actual profit and loss and budget in SaaS companies, exploring the factors that contribute to accurate financial forecasting. Defining Actual Profit and Loss and Budget Actual profit and loss (P&L) refers to the financial statement that tracks the revenue, expenses, and net income or loss of a company over a specific period. [...]

Should SaaS Companies Charge Annually or Monthly?

When it comes to setting up a SaaS subscription model, many business owners have the same question. Should SaaS companies charge annually or monthly? After all, pricing can have a direct impact on their revenue. Anthony Nitsos, the founder and CEO of SaaS Gurus, is here today to help SaaS business owners answer the question of how to set up their SaaS subscription model effectively.

Hire a Part Time CFO to Optimize Your Business

Sometimes in business, you have to take a hard look at the systems in place and determine what changes need to be made for success. However, if you target the wrong areas, you could be right back where you started or even deeper in the hole. SaaS Gurus takes a holistic approach to isolate the true cause of business issues and reminds clients why it’s important to hire a part time CFO to optimize your business.

CFO Services in Michigan Provides Guaranteed Results

People often ask about the types of guarantees that SaaS Gurus offers and how we implement them. First off, it’s surprising that more companies don’t offer guarantees on CFO services. The training SaaS Gurus received as a Six Sigma Black Belt controller taught us that the guarantee of quality is inherent in everything that you do.

Part Time CFO with Six Sigma Methodology

Six Sigma Methodology is used to improve business processes by focusing on statistics and process design principles.  Using this methodology sets SaaS Gurus apart from the traditional part time CFO. Rather than focusing solely on accounting and finance, we implement Six Sigma Methodology to set businesses up to resolve or prevent business issues before they arise.

Fractional CFO That Won’t Waste Your Money

A lot of fractional CFOs may not know SaaS in particular.  Instead, they know another industry. Those fractional CFOs are going to come up with a solution that's close, but not ideal. They're going to build in inefficiencies and imprecision from there.

SaaS Consultant Helps FinTech App Scale ARR and Streamline Finance Ops

This was a FinTech application company that we partnered with as a SaaS consultant. The problems that we had at the before stage were the CEO was spending 40% of their time getting the numbers. You can imagine how aggravating that is when you’re not spending time and attention on sales and development.

How to Build an Ecosystem for Business

Your finance and stakeholder system is like your company's reef. It’s important to make sure that your ecosystem is healthy and that everything in it fits together and is in harmony. This allows you to concentrate on the tasks that are important to your business. So what does a healthy finance and stakeholder ecosystem consist of?

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