SaaS Fractional CFO Lists Benefits of F&S Ecosystem
SaaS Fractional CFO, Anthony Nitsos and Clayton Whitfield from SaaS Optics discuss the importance of a F&S Ecosystem. If your finance and stakeholder ecosystem is a mess you might get away with it for a few years, but sooner or later it's going to be the thing that's holding the business back.
SaaS Sales Forecasting: Everything You Need to Know
SaaS accounting, metrics and forecasting are the parts of the Finance and Stakeholder Ecosystem that we call the financial core. This triad of the accounting, budgeting and SaaS metrics needs to be set up as a synergy so that they talk to each other.
SaaS Accounting for Startups: Profit and Loss 101
If you have an accounting system set up by a tax CPA, you need to show them this and say, "I want my accounting system to produce this kind of a report." This format is not just something that we made up. This statement is straight out of Pacific Crest, Key Bank Research and is what the industry is expecting.
Michigan Fractional CFO Services That Take Chaos to Clarity
This Finance and Stakeholder Ecosystem includes pretty much everything in your back office plus many key parts that feed into it. Without the help of a CFO, this Finance and Stakeholder Ecosystem usually ends up being quite chaotic and we bring that ecosystem to clarity for SaaS businesses in Michigan and throughout the U.S.
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